Eagle Mountain Lake is a reservoir in North Texas, formed by the damming the West Fork of the Trinity River. The reservoir sits below Lake Bridgeport reservoir and above Lake Worth reservoir.
About Eagle Mountain Lake
The Texas State Board of Water Engineers granted a permit for constructing the dam that would form Eagle Mountain Lake on May 1, 1928. Construction of the dam that formed the reservoir began on January 23, 1930 and was completed on October 24, 1932. Water impoundment began on February 28, 1934. During World War II, the lake's eastern shore was the site of Marine Corps Air Station Eagle Mountain Lake, a military installation built to house the military's glider program. In 1965, the Tarrant Regional Water District voters approved a bond issue to allow the District to install improved controlled spillways. The new spillway was completed July 31, 1971. Wikipedia
Eagle Mountain Lake Videos:
Eagle Mountain Lake Fishing
Fishing Eagle Mountain Lake
Eagle Mountain Lake Fishing Reports:
View our Eagle Mountain Lake Fishing Reports or checkout the Texas Parks & Wildlife Reports Here.
Eagle Mountain Lake Public Access / Boat Ramps:
View the current Eagle Mountain Lake Public Access Map from Texas Parks & Wildlife website.